The University of Cordoba collaborated with Italian universities on a studyto identify the temporal dynamics shaping genome structure during the division of species in the genus Olea.

The UCO is participating in the European HIBA project, an initiative that will offer training and digital tools for crop management

An international study on Fusarium oxysporum, one of the most lethal fungi for crops, found, contrary to what had been thought to date, that the absence of a certain type of enzyme increases the rate of infection, although it decreases the pathogen's ability to spread, opening a door to new strategies to control its infection

The UCO is participating in the European FirEUrisk project to develop tools to classify territories by their degree of vulnerability to fires

A team at the UCO evaluates the effectiveness of two beneficial microorganisms and a fertilizer as a strategy to bolster the olive tree's natural defenses against Verticillium Wilt of olive (VWO), a disease that poses a serious threat to olive groves

The European FIREPOCTEP project will make it possible to determine the degree of difficulty of extinguishing a fire in a given territory, and to predict the corresponding costs

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