G.C.- E.L.

An Andalusian team of engineers and surgeons, mostly from Córdoba, is working on the development of the first Spanish surgical robot prototype with 3D vision, which successfully passed a first demonstration. This equipment will provide significant advantages over traditional laparoscopic systems thanks to its innovative technological specifications and results from collaboration between public sector and private enterprise.

Cristina Horcajada

PadMed has reached the top 10 downloads in 15 Spanish-speaking countries in its first month in Apple Store

G.C. - E.L

Cuatro trabajos científicos de la UCO proponen mejoras tanto en la manera de cocinar platos tradicionales como en la educación y sensibilización de la ciudadanía

An interdisciplinary team from the Maimonides Institute for Biomedical Research of Cordoba (Spain) has availed the use of transcranial magnetic stimulation in the improvement of well known genetic disorders such as “St. Vitus’ dance” and have studied its effects in multiple sclerosis in-vivo animal models

Researchers at the University of Cordoba (UCO) and the University of Valencia study the metabolism of the EDP solar filter that accumulates in the body.

Urban expansion has provoked the loss of biodiversity, promoting monotonous landscapes with abusive levels of highly allergenic species.

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