Please support our wonderful OWHC activity: the 2024 Young Travelling scholarship is still taking applications until 23 June 2024. May I ask you again if you can find ways to promote the program in your city? Equipped with a budget of max 1.000 Euro, our winners (we will select 8 teams/single travelers) are invited to explore our cities AND tell everyone about their experiences and insights on social media and the travel blog. All details about the rules of the program and FAQs are to be found on the attached "In a nutshell". All information is online on the OWHC website under

A selection of promotional material for Social Media is provided for download here

We would love to receive many applications from all around the world, but preferably from our OWHC member cities. We are sure that this wonderful way for young people aged 18-28 to travel and experience our cultural heritage is also promoting the OWHC AND all our World Heritage sites.

gongora musica.24

Para ese curso académico la Universidad de Córdoba tiene asignadas un cupo de 63 becas.

Como quiera que el número de becas asignadas a cada universidad por el Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional depende en gran medida del número de solicitudes presentadas en cursos anteriores, se ruega su máxima difusión entre el alumnado, para que en próximos cursos la UnIversidad de Córdoba incremente dicho cupo.

El plazo de presentación de solicitudes se ha establecido entre el 11 de junio y el 17 de septiembre de 2024. Es importante recalcar que a fecha de finalización de solicitudes (17 de septiembre) los solicitantes deben cumplir con TODOS los requisitos de la convocatoria.